Life Lessons from Shelter Dogs

I have learned11903770_1024045627626993_3485407351489900583_n through my time as a volunteer working with shelter dogs that every dog in this world is unique. Each dog that I work with teaches me a lesson and I learn so much about myself through these amazing dogs.

My current project is Spencer, a beautiful red-nosed boy whom I fell in love with from the moment I met him. He has a radiating personality with a smile that can light up the whole room. Spencer has had a rough time in life. He was brought into the shelter back in February and he is still waiting for his forever home because he is constantly overlooked. What amazes me about Spencer is his ability to be such a happy11909657_1033685059996383_1475476615_n boy despite his wait for his forever home. He is always smiling and he seriously has the cutest, most happy face on earth.

Whenever I am with him, I find myself extremely happy; I am smiling and laughing almost nonstop. Whether we are out for a walk, or playing in the yard, or even just sitting together, Spencer always manages to make it fun.

Through12165960_1073824985982390_1443342319_n Spencer, I have learned to laugh more and to not take myself so seriously. Spencer is a very special dog and we love him so much. If you are interested in adding this ray of sunshine to your life, give us a call and we can set up a meeting.

Author: Anna Lund

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